Wednesday 5th June 2024
I had an early start after breakfast this morning for another international drive. The Alps cover more than one country – so I took the opportuity to visit two more Alpine countries.
First destination was Innsbruck, capital of the Tirol region of Austria. The 5th largest city in Austria, the name means ‘Bridge over the Inn’ – the Inn being the river which flows through the city centre. It took about 1hr 40mins to reach Innsbruck.
Parking in the underground car park by the Marktplatz, I was just a couple of minutes walk from all the main city centre sights. I visited the Imperial Palace (the Hofburg), and climbed the city tower (Stadtturm Innsbruck) to get lovely views across the Inntal (Inn valley).

From Innsbruck I followed signs for Brenner, using the Brennerpass Motorway to cross in to neighbouring Italy. This drive took just over an hour – the traffic wasn’t great though – a massive traffic jam, caused largely by roadworks on the pass. Queues of lorries, bumper to bumper, lead for many kilometres up to the Italian border.
Top tip: Pre-pay your toll for the Brennerpass online, then you can pass through the pre-pay lane without having to stop; Even with a foreign registered car, the system reads your numberplate and lets you through the barrier.
Once in Italy I nervously went through the toll station, unsure if my Italian electronic tolls device stuck to the windscreen would still work. Thankfully it did (it has of course been 5 years since I last drove in Italy so I wasn’t sure if it would still work).
I came off the motorway at Sterzing and went to the nearby Gilfenklamm Gorge (Cascate di Stanghe) – a stunning hiking route through the Italian countryside. Located in Italy’s German speaking region of Südtirol – Alto Adige, The Gilfenklamm is it is the world’s only gorge that cuts through pure white marble.
Shimmering greens and grays and a crystal clear water form a unique natural wonder. Thunderous and powerful, the Ratschingser Bach torrent plunges over several waterfalls into the gorge. Its wild bubbling, splashing and foaming makes it possible to experience the primordial force of water with all the senses. It will take approximately one hour to walk through the gorge, over secured footbridges, wooden bridges and stairs. The hike offers a special nature experience for the whole family.
The gorge walk took me slightly more than an hour (I did it in 90 minutes) and it was simply amazing- highlight of my day! I walked back down through the Italian – Südtirolean countryside. I took far too many photos!

After my walk I dropped in to Sterzing (known in Italian as Vipiteno), to have some dinner before driving home. Pizza of course – It might be a German speaking area, but Italy is still Italy….It would be rude not to! My pizza was very tasty, and very big too! I need to try and make a pizza with a nice thin crust like that one!
It was her that in a tourist shop someone asked if my parents are German because I speak it so well! I wouldn’t say so….my German is a bit rusty, I just make it sound like I know what I’m saying – but I can understand large parts of what they’re saying on the radio, and when someone speaks to me I can understand them even if the vocabulary needed to respond isn’t there straight away.

Leaving Sterzing around 7pm, it took me just over 2 hours (including a stop for petrol in Krün) to get back to my guesthouse back in Bad Kohlgrub.
It was a long day but worth the drive for the beautiful scenery!
Gute Nacht,
On the Car Stereo: Bayern 1, ORF Radio Tirol, Rai Südtirol
Today’s Mileage: 181.49 miles (292.08km)
Accumulative Mileage: 1120.6 miles (1803.43km)